Thai Massage for me!

Traveling around the city of Bangkok as a group was accomplished in these Tuk-Tuks; three or four of us in each. Must keep one’s legs inside! Cars come very close and at very high speeds.


Wat Po is the largest Buddhist temple in Bangkok, famous for its enormous reclining Buddha statue and for the many cultural treasures brought here through efforts of King Rama III to be preserved following the Burmese destruction of the former capital of Ayuthaya. Fearing that the knowledge of traditional Thai massage would be lost as the world modernized, King Rama III commissioned drawings depicting the art and science of traditional Thai Massage to be displayed on the walls of Wat Po. Here is one:


There is also a famous school of Southern-style Thai Massage here at Wat Po where visitors can receive Thai Massage. Mine was heavenly, given by this gentle soul, and so appreciated after my long journey.

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5 thoughts on “Thai Massage for me!

  1. Just sounds like a great day all around. So glad you were able to get a massage your first day there. It must have felt incredibly wonderful and restoring after 28 hours on the ‘road’. BTW, great blogging skills! Oh, the cats are fine… but confused. Lots of love.

  2. Am enjoying your blog immensely! I was at Wat Po and saw the reclining buddha. I don’t recall the thai massage drawings. So interesting! Your massage sounds wonderful.

  3. Only you would find a Southern Thai Massage! Again, what an exciting adventure!! Learn alot. I will be ready when you get back.

  4. Pingback: pim-massage

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